Navigating the Storm: Maintaining Sanity and Effectiveness as Agile Agents in Transformation Chaos

mardi 17 septembre

17h30 - 18h15

Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, leaders, change agents – all of us serve as driving forces of agile transformation, guiding organizations to adapt and thrive in todays VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous). Fueled by our unwavering dedication to Agile principles and belief in the power of self-organizing teams, we wholeheartedly commit ourselves to supporting organizational evolution. And still driving organizational change can get incredibly challenging and stressful. Confronting the conflicts, entrenched mindsets and stagnant progress can cause frustration, demotivation, and even burnout among Agile agents. How can we prevent this? In this talk we explore strategies and techniques to maintain mental well-being, balance, and effectiveness amidst the chaos of transformation.